Tamworth residents urged to register for upcoming elections

Register before Thursday 19 May to ensure you can vote

Register before Thursday 19 May to ensure you can vote

Residents of Tamworth are being urged to ensure they are registered for the County Council elections on June 4.

Staffordshire County Council are driving the message with a ’10 reasons to register’, showing reasons why you should register to vote and ensure your voice can be heard.

So why should you register to vote?

  1. You can’t vote if you’re not registered
  2. It’s easier than you think.  You can register by downloading a form from Tamworth Borough Council
  3. It is actually the County Council who manage many of the services in Tamworth.  For example they are responsible for the roads and schools in the area
  4. Your voting for a decision maker
  5. You can vote by post if you can’t make it to a polling station
  6. You can elect someone to vote on your behalf
  7. The Political Party with the most elected County Councils will be “in power”
  8. You can also vote for a European representative at the same time (The Euro elections are on the same day)
  9. You can register twice if you are a student, living away from home.  If you are a student you can vote in your home town and where you study
  10. Registering on the Electoral register has other benefits.  For example, banks and other organisations use at as proof of address.

You can register now by downloading the Registration form from the Tamworth Borough Council website.

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